GPT model with custom data

Artificial Intelligence, Large Language Models, Knowledge databases, Information retrieval

Would you like to use ChatGPT and similar models to present information about your custom data? Perhaps about your products or services? Or maybe you would like to use it to present information about your company? Or use it internally with your knowledge base where today it’s difficult to find exactly what you are looking for?

We have a solution for you. You can demo it (in Slovenian language) at There you can search over two demo databases we prepared. One containing info about Oscars 2023 and the second about Slovenian energy sector. But, you can also upload your own file and test the system by asking questions in your natural language about it.

Architecture of our LLM system

The figure above represents an overview of the system. Besides using ChatGPT, we can also deploy our own large language model. This way the system can be deployed on private infrastructure keeping your data secure. Because there are also no other 3rd party dependancies, we can deploy the system on your infrastructure as well.

We believe such solution can be used in many different scenarios. If you agree, don’t hesitate to contact us at

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